Amigos Bar is located at the famous resort of Laganas and has been established since 1994. The bar is open daily from midday till 4am. Dance and drink the days and the nights away with live music and fantastic cocktails in the bar built by cowboys. Join friendly people for rock and booze in this unforgettable original Greek-Mexican bar.
Quality in drinks
Beers: drafts, strongbow
Amigos tequila flavored beer
– Screaming orgasm (Vodka, Tia Maria, Baileys, cream)
– Tropical (with fresh fruits)
– Rio grande (tequila, melon liqueur, fresh fruits)
– Mojito special
– A lot of shots: Red Vodka, Sambuca, Jägermeister, Tequila
Every night there is live rock music, reggae and Greek music. During the week there are soul funky music nights. Also every Saturday Elvis is back!
The drinks flow freely at Amigos Bar is created by the owners and makes you feel intimate and friendly from the first time!