If you think that drying apples would need a dehydrator or doing it in the oven at home would take a prohibitively long time, now it’s time to reconsider.
Here’s a recipe that gives thinly-sliced apple slices in less than three hours. Great for lunchboxes or as a snack, homemade dried apples are easy to make in the oven and are high in fiber and nutrients.
So let’s get started!
Use a sharp knife to peel and core the apples.
You can skip peeling and coring if the apples are biological and if you want to retain the fiber from the peels and to save time.
Cut with knife or mandoline slices 4-5 mm size.
Preheet the oven at 100-120 C.
Line baking sheets on pans and place apples slices in a single layer.
You can sprinkle your apples slices with cinamon or a spice mixture (cinamon, cloves, nutmeg).
I used 3 pans ine the oven at the same time.
Beging with 100-120 C. After one hour turn over the slices.
Bake for one more hour.
Check your apples, Take one, let it cool out from the oven. If it is still soft, you need to bake them for some more minutes. If you want your apples to be crispy, bake them for another half an hour and check again by letting one slice to cool.
The time of baking deppends on your oven, how ripe the apples are, how thin the slices are and how crispy yoy want them.
Two-three hours at 120-100 are enough. Be carefull at the end of baking not to overbake them or burn them!